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Reserving Jefferson Hall

The Jefferson Literary and Debating Society authorizes all events that take place in Hotel C, West Range, otherwise known as Jefferson Hall. The Hall is a historical building at the center of UVA’s grounds, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the original buildings designed by Thomas Jefferson. It contains portraits of Mr. Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe, as well as photos of Edgar Allen Poe and Woodrow Wilson, both officers of the Jefferson Society during their time at UVA. The history, location, and architecture of the Hall make it an ideal location for meetings, presentations, and other professional events.

Those interested in reserving the Hall can do so by emailing the Society’s Room 7 Resident, Ms. Zoë Jenkins, at and uploading a signed copy of the Hall Reservation Contract to this Google form. We ask that all reservation requests include the name of the organization or individual seeking to reserve the space, the purpose of the reservation, and the preferred date(s) and time(s). Upon emailing, please allow up to 48 hours for a response.

Important Notes

  • If you wish to serve alcohol and anyone in attendance will be under the age of 21, the Vice President for Student Affairs must approve your event. Ms. Jenkins can help coordinate communication between individuals/organizations and the VPSA.
  • Reservations will open for the Fall semester on June 1 and for the Spring semester and Summer on November 1 of any given year.

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Payment Details

Usage fees must be paid (via cash or check) to the Room 7 Resident and the contract (available in this Google form) signed before the time of the reservation. By signing the contract, individuals and organizations agree to uphold the terms and conditions of renting Jefferson Hall. Those who do not uphold the terms of the agreement may be subject to a fine or other disciplinary action. These terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the Room 7 Resident.

Checks are payable to the Jefferson Society. Please send or drop off to:
Zoë Jenkins
Room 7 West Lawn
Charlottesville, VA 22903